Wednesday, March 13, 2019

décimo semana 11 de marzo

The rules for comparisons are :
three syllable or more adjectives : put 'more' in front 
expensive ----- more expensive
two syllable adjectives not ending in 'y' : put 'more' in front 
stupid ----- more stupid
two syllable adjectives ending in 'y' : replace the 'y' by 'ier' 
happy -----happier
one syllable adjectives ending in one vowel and one consonant : double the consonant and add 'er' 
big -----bigger
other one syllable adjectives : add 'er' 
tall -----taller
good -----better 
bad -----worse 
far -----further/farther 
old -----older/elder 
little -----less
With a few exceptions, adverbs normally add 'more'
slowly -----more slowly 
easily -----more easily
These are the exceptions
early -----earlier 
late -----later 
fast -----faster 
hard -----harder 
near -----nearer 
soon -----sooner

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