Wednesday, March 13, 2019

noveno semana 11-demarzo

Countable & Uncountable nouns (1)

Nouns can be countable or uncountable. When you learn a new noun you should make a note of whether it is countable or uncountable as we use different words with countables and uncountables.

Countable nouns
  • There is a cat in the garden.
  • There are some birds in the trees.
For positive sentences we can use a/an or some (with a plural verb form)
  • There isn’t a dog in the garden.
  • There aren’t any birds in the tree.
For negatives we can use a/an or any (with a plural verb form).
  • Is there an orange on the tree?
  • Are there any chairs in the garden?
  • How many chairs are there?
In questions we use a/anany or how many.

Uncountable nouns
  • There is some milk on the floor.
Uncountable nouns have no plural. The verb form is singular and we use some.
  • Is there any sugar?
  • How much wine is there?

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